benefits of IS

How the information system is helping in the institution?
In fact it is helping in reducing the time and effort to serve their customers and to perform their processes with the required quality by the government.
 It saves time in searching for records or information related to provide a customer service, as the number of services get increased and  the geographical area of service get more larger and not easy to reach through the manual ways.
The errors definitely will be eliminated or reach a very low level, as the work get done in electronic ways. Human errors become only possible for the few processe which are required in feeding the system or some times can not be replaced by information system.
As the time and effort means money to their organization, having a staple information system can reduce the cost.
Also, as the municipality services the city community, we can say that the community and our customers will be served in a better way, moreover the IS support them to achieve the government strategics and objectives.

What we like or dislike of the use of (IS)
What we like that:
-The IS is helping in drawing the strategic plans for the municipality.
-IS providing information for the decision makers.
-IS helping in produce a good service with the expected quality for their customer.
-IS good in reduce the human errors.
What we dislike that:
-Cost and effort for the maintenance.
-IS required periodical upgrades and updates for the new technology.
-Some times it becomes less flexible for the new demands.
-IS requires a lot of effort and cost to replace.
-We notice that not all the approximately 120 IS are activated.

Some recommendations
We as a group we recommend that:
- To activate the rest of the ISs in the municipality
-To have additional IS to implement in the future, because as the demands get increases every year in addition to the continues updates on the technology we need better IS. 

1 comment:

  1. It really shows the benifits of the Information system and why people should use it. I personally found it very useful when reading it .
